Top 3 tourist places in Armenia

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The number of employment in the tourism sector is 12.5% of the total employment of the country. Surveys conducted among tourists have shown that they are now very positive about their visits to Armenia and 67% of the survey participants vouch for the country as a tourist destination. To the question “on a scale of 1-10, how likely is it that you would recommend Armenia as a tourist destination to other people?”, tourists answered 9 or 10. This indicates that Armenia occupies a very high position in the current tourist offers. most visitors are very satisfied with their experience and would recommend this tourist destination to others. These assets bring a large flow of global and regional tourists to Armenia. Globally, there is a steady flow of tourists to Armenia from Russia, the United States of America and Iran.

And so where to travel in Armenia, Armhealth has selected 3 top places that every self-respecting person should visit.

3rd level Tatev Monastery

Tatev Monastery is a real miracle at an altitude of 850 meters above sea level, in an amazing landscape. It seems to be a place prepared by nature in the 9th century, where the religious and historical heritage of Armenia is kept to this day. The stunning scenery of the surroundings attracts and inspires. The cable car leading from Khalidzor to the monastery gives you the opportunity to admire all the beauties of this place. Tatev monastery is marked on the historical map as the most important center of educational and spiritual development of the country. This complex, which holds history, is one of the most important attractions in Armenia today.

2nd place, and Khor Virap

The place where St. George the Illuminator was kept for 13 long years. It is located in the Ararat valley, on one of the small hills. Legends say that Gregory the Illuminator stayed there until King Trdatus III was cured of a serious illness. And the miracle created by the Enlightener, the complete restoration of health, forced the king to accept Christianity and convert the whole country. Thus, he granted Armenia the eternal title of the country that first adopted Christianity. Be sure to visit the underground hall and immerse yourself in the history of the picturesque Khor Virap monastery. :

Of course, the blue-eyed beauty of Armenia – 1st place and Sevan.

The incredible beauty and purity of Lake Sevan takes the first place among the must-see attractions. Travel connoisseurs call it “Pearl of Armenia”. It is not surprising that in the world ranking the lake is listed as one of the largest reservoirs of alpine fresh water. An ideal vacation spot for tourists in the summer season. Be sure to visit one of the small restaurants on its shores and taste amazing, fresh and delicious trout prepared with love by skilled chefs.