ArmHealth has been operating since 2018. For almost 5 years, we have been offering medical tours to Armenia, combining pleasant entertainment with useful ones. With us, you can use such medical services as: dentistry, vertebrology, cosmetology, orthopedics, etc. We cooperate with leading medical institutions and doctors in Armenia, and your treatment will be more than effective.
If you want to be treated in Armenia, we will arrange to meet you at the airport, accommodate you in one of our hotels or in an institution of your choice, and refer you to relevant medical institutions and high-quality doctors.
If a post-treatment rehabilitation course is necessary, we will organize your care and all rehabilitation procedures.
We also organize trips to the historical and cultural places of Armenia, and extreme tourism, especially for those who prefer active leisure. (hiking, jeeping, zipline, etc.).
During these years, we have welcomed more than 1000 visitors from different countries: USA, RF, France, Germany, etc. Showing an individual approach to everyone, receiving high appreciation.
And until today, we are ready to host you with love, to spend a wonderful and memorable time together in Armenia.
Individual approach to each visitor. With us you can combine health and interesting entertainment. We are more than just a medical tour.